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Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Creating a database & Solving queries using PL/SQL, PL/SQL queries for Displaying, Selecting & Listing

Creating a database & Solving queries using PL/SQL, PL/SQL queries for Displaying, Selecting & Listing 


1. Create the following Databases.

     ONUM      AMOUNT         ODATE          CNUM      SNUM
     3001       18.69         10/03/97       2008      1007
     3003      767.19         10/03/97       2001      1001
     3002     1900.10         10/03/97       2007      1004
     3005     5160.45         10/03/97       2003      1002
     3006     1098.16         10/03/97       2008      1007
     3009     1713.23         10/04/97       2002      1003
     3007       75.75         10/04/97       2004      1002
     3008     4723.00         10/05/97       2006      1001
     3010     1309.95         10/06/97       2004      1002
     3011     9891.88         10/06/97       2006      1001

     CNUM      CNAME               CITY      RATING    SNUM
     2001      Harsh              London      100     1001
     2002      Gita                Rome        200     1003
     2003      Lalit               Surat       200     1002
     2004      Govind              Bombay      300     1002
     2006      Chirag              London      100     1001
     2008      Chinmay             Surat       300     1007
     2007      Pratik              Rome        100     1004

     SNUM      SNAME               CITY           COMMISSION
     1001      Piyush               London              12 %
     1002      Sejal                  Surat               13 %
     1004      Miti                   London              11 %
     1007      Rajesh               Baroda              15 %  
     1003      Anand               New Delhi           10 %
     SNUM      : A unique number assigned to each salesman.
     SNAME     : The name of salesman.
     CITY      : The location of salesmen.
     COMMISSION: The Salemen's commission on orders.

     CNUM   : A unique number assigned to each customer.
     CNAME  : The name of the customer.
     CITY   : The location of the customer.
     RATING : A level of preference indicator given to this customer.
     SNUM   : The number of salesman assigned to this customer.

     ONUM   : A unique number assigned to each order.  
     AMOUNT : The amount of an order.
     ODATE  : The date of an order.
     CNUM   : The number of customer making the order.
     SNUM   : The number of salesman credited with the sale.

Creating Table 

create table salesman_96(snum number(4),sname varchar(25),city varchar(20),comm varchar(10));

create table customer_96(cnum number(4),cname varchar(25),city varchar(20),rating number(4),snum number(4));

create table orders_96(onum number(4),amount float,odate date,cnum number(4),snum number(4));

Creating Table for Orders

insert into orders_96 values(3001,'18.69','10-mar-97',2008,1007);
insert into orders_96 values(3003,'767.19','10-mar-97',2001,1001);
insert into orders_96 values(3002,'1900.10','10-mar-97',2007,1004);
insert into orders_96 values(3005,'5160.45','10-mar-97',2003,1002);
insert into orders_96 values(3006,'1098.16','10-mar-97',2008,1007);
insert into orders_96 values(3009,'1713.23','10-apr-97',2002,1003);
insert into orders_96 values(3007,'75.75','10-apr-97',2004,1002);
insert into orders_96 values(3008,'4723.00','10-may-97',2006,1001);
insert into orders_96 values(3010,'1309.95','10-jun-97',2004,1002);
insert into orders_96 values(3011,'9891.88','10-jun-97',2006,1001);

Creating Table for Salesman
insert into salesman_96 values(1001,'piyush','london','12%');
insert into salesman_96 values(1002,'sejal','surat','13%');
insert into salesman_96 values(1004,'miti','london','11%');
insert into salesman_96 values(1007,'rajesh','baroda','15%');
insert into salesman_96 values(1003,'anand','new delhi','10%');

Creating Table for Customer
insert into customer_96 values(2001,'harsh','london',100,1001);
insert into customer_96 values(2002,'gita','rome',200,1003);
insert into customer_96 values(2003,'lalit','surat',200,1002);
insert into customer_96 values(2004,'govind','bombay',300,1002);
insert into customer_96 values(2006,'chirag','london',100,1001);
insert into customer_96 values(2008,'chinmay','surat',300,1007);
insert into customer_96 values(2007,'pratik','rome',100,1004);

Solve the following queries using above databases and where clause range searching and pattern matching.

1.  Produce the order no, amount and date of all orders.
Ans. select onum,amount,odate from orders_96;

2.  Give  all  the information about all the  customers  with  salesman
    number 1001. * from customer_96 where (snum='1001');

3.  Display the following information in the order of city, sname,  snum
    and commission. city,sname,snum,comm from salesman_96;

4.  List of rating followed by the name of each customer in Surat. cname,rating from customer_96 where(city='surat');

5.  List of snum of all salesmen with orders in order table without  any
    duplicates. * from orders_96 where(amount>1000);

6.  List of all orders for more than Rs. 1000. sname,city from salesman_96 where city='london' and comm>'10%';

7.  List of names and cities of all salesmen in London with  commission
    above 10%. * from customer_96 where(rating>100 or city='rome');

8.  List all customers excluding those with rating <= 100  unless  they
    are located in Rome. * from orders_96 where(amount>1000 and odate='10-mar-97' and snum>=1006);

9.  List all orders for more than Rs.1000 except the orders of snum<1006    
    of 10/03/97. * from orders_96 where odate in('10-mar-97','10-apr-97','6-mar-97');

10. List all orders taken on October 3rd or 4th or 6th, 1997.

11. List all customers whose names begins with a letter 'C'. * from customer_96 where cname like 'c%';

12. List all customers whose names begins with letter 'A' to 'G'.
Ans. select * from customer_96 where cname between 'a%' and 'h%';

13. List all orders with zero or NULL amount.
Ans. select * from orders_96 where (amount='0' or amount='');
