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Monday, 21 September 2015

C#: Different Ways to Write Text on Console: Concatenation, Placeholder Syntax

In C sharp we have two ways in which we can write text on the console. The first method is using string Concatenation which is explained below.

In this we are plus symbol to concatenate two strings together.

Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name");

string Username: Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("Hello " + Username);

Placeholder Syntax
This method is most widely used as its more flexible, you can set the value in the placeholders which will display your text according, for example I want to Write a code where in I want whenever the user login to their account the system should display

Welcome First name Last name

Console.WriteLine("Enter your first name");

string FirstName: Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("Enter your LastName");

string LastName: Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("Hello {0},{1}", FirstName, LastName);

In this we can swap the value of 0 and 1 and the text will be displayed accordingly

Thursday, 17 September 2015

C#: How to Print message on console, C Sharp basic Program

Basic Structure of C Sharp
In every programming language their is actually a way to write text on the console window or you can say may be the syntax to write the same.

For example
using System
public static void main()
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to C- Prog. Concepts");

using System
This line tells us that we are going to use the code which is present insude the system namespace.

Its helps as a building block and combines all the data inside your code as a collection os classes, interface struts, enums etc

If we don't use system namespace the program will not interpret what is actually the console in the below line is.

In this the text in double quotes will be displayed in the console and this is what the user will see in the screen. It is similar to printf in C++, echo in unix etc.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Unix Script to Print Pyramid of Stars

Unix Script for Printing Stars
Here is the simple script in Unix / Linus to print the stars in the form of Pyramid as shown below.
We have used for loop for the same as we use it in C/C++. The read command in the same helps to save the users input for further use. The echo command helps the user to display the data on the screen.

 Print the pyramid of stars
      echo "pyramid size (1 to 100): "
      read n
      for ( (i=1;i<=n;i++ ) )
for ( (k=i;k<=n;k++ ) )
  echo -ne "  "
for ( (j=1;j<=i;j++) )
  echo -ne "*"
for ( (z=1;z<i;z++) )
  echo -ne "*"

Monday, 3 August 2015

Unix script of calculator for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication operation

Unix script for small calculator
Here is the a unix script in which we are going to perform multiple operation including addition, subtraction, division and multiplication operation. The script asks the user to enter his choice about what operation they want to perform and based on that the operation is done. It also asks the use the option at the end if they want to perform any other operation or not.

  1 i="y"
  3 while [ $i == "y" ]
  4 do
  5 echo enter first number:
  6 read number1
  7 echo enter second number:
  8 read number2
  9 echo enter the operator
 10 read operator
 11 if [ $operator == "-" ]
 12 then
 13 echo $(( number1 - number2 ))
 14 elif [ $operator == "+" ]
 15 then
 16 echo $((number1 + number2))
 17 elif [$operator == "*"]
 18 then
 19 echo $((number1 * number2))
 21 elif [$operator == "%"]
 22 then
 23 echo $((number1 % number2))
 24 fi
 25 echo do you want to continue:
 26 read i
 27 if [ $i != "y" ]
 28 then
 29 exit
 30 fi
 31 done
