Unix script for small calculator
Here is the a unix script in which we are going to perform multiple operation including addition, subtraction, division and multiplication operation. The script asks the user to enter his choice about what operation they want to perform and based on that the operation is done. It also asks the use the option at the end if they want to perform any other operation or not.
1 i="y"
3 while [ $i == "y" ]
4 do
5 echo enter first number:
6 read number1
7 echo enter second number:
8 read number2
9 echo enter the operator
10 read operator
11 if [ $operator == "-" ]
12 then
13 echo $(( number1 - number2 ))
14 elif [ $operator == "+" ]
15 then
16 echo $((number1 + number2))
17 elif [$operator == "*"]
18 then
19 echo $((number1 * number2))
21 elif [$operator == "%"]
22 then
23 echo $((number1 % number2))
24 fi
25 echo do you want to continue:
26 read i
27 if [ $i != "y" ]
28 then
29 exit
30 fi
31 done